

Our Mission Values

Romans 10:8-15 
Our Call To Action

Abide: Standing on and under the word of God, intentionally pursuing God daily God is near you, in you, therefore let’s speak it. (Verse 8)

Connect: Presenting the Gospel to everyone, all who believe will be saved no distinction, one Lord over all, growth and accountability within a community of believers. (Verses 9-15)

Share: Seeing the Gospel spread locally and globally. How will others hear and believe unless we share, how beautiful the feet that bring good news. (Verses 14-15)

Other Ministries We Are Affiliated With

Great Commission Collective
Great Commission Collective Canada
Operation Christmas Child
Heritage College & Seminary
Millar College Sunnybrae Campus
Morning Star Bible Camp
Okanagan Valley Pregnancy Care Center
Sunnybrae Bible Camp