Our Mission Values
Romans 10:8-15
Our Call To Action
Abide: Standing on and under the word of God, intentionally pursuing God daily God is near you, in you, therefore let’s speak it. (Verse 8)
Connect: Presenting the Gospel to everyone, all who believe will be saved no distinction, one Lord over all, growth and accountability within a community of believers. (Verses 9-15)
Share: Seeing the Gospel spread locally and globally. How will others hear and believe unless we share, how beautiful the feet that bring good news. (Verses 14-15)
Hope Missionaries
Heidi Gladman

Serving With
Avant Ministries – To make a difference in time for eternity by rapidly planting and developing churches where none exist.
Kansas City, MO USA
Ministry Role
Member Care – Equipping, training, and shepherding missionary families (and their children, teens, and young adults) as they go and serve cross-culturally, spreading the Gospel to all nations.
In 2004 Heidi went to South America as a short-term missionary, serving with Avant Ministries in Santa Cruz, Bolivia at El Jordán a center for families living on the streets or with drug or alcohol abuse. It was here that God confirmed the call on Heidi’s life to serve in missional ministry. Heidi served at El Jordán for close to 16 and ½ years and in December of 2020 God called Heidi back to North America, finishing up her time in South America and awaiting His direction for the next steps in her life.
Once returning to Canada Heidi began attending Hope Bible Church in Kelowna BC In Feb 2022 she was asked to join their staff team, leading Family Ministries and supporting missional direction at the church. It was during this time in 2023 that God laid it on Heidi’s heart to accept a position proposed to her by the leadership at Avant Ministries to join their Member Care team in Kansas City USA.
Cross-cultural missions, while discipling/shepherding those who will follow after with a desire to carry the Gospel to unreached people.
How You Can Be Involved
Email Heidi to find out how best to be involved.
Contact Information
If you would like to subscribe to newsletters, connect with, pray or inquire about financial support for Heidi, you can contact her at: hgladman@avmi.org or heidigladman@gmail.com
Or if you are interested in financially supporting Heidi you can click on the link below
Vance and Wendy Sutherland

Serving With
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Canada in the Caribbean – Evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Based out of Kelowna, BC Canada
Ministry Role
Equipping nationals (currently in the Caribbean) to reach children as well as ministering directly to children.
Vance and Wendy have served as missionaries with CEF®of Canada, for close to 30 years ministering in various locations throughout the Americas and Caribbean.
In May 2014, at a CEF International Conference, Vance and Wendy sensed the Lord’s prompting to move towards cross-cultural ministry after having served many years nationally (within Canada) within the CEF organization. May 2015, Vance, Wendy and 2 of their daughters, Elyse and Joelle moved to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Their oldest daughter Naomi and son Grant (with wife, Abi) remained in Canada.
While in the Caribbean Vance and Wendy’s ministry consisted of many roles: Temporary National Directors, shepherding the local church, and training believers in community evangelistic clubs.
Currently, Vance and Wendy are living in Kelowna, Canada, where they are assisting the North American/Caribbean Region through short term training trips, online trainings as well as desiring to work with their local church (Hope Bible Church) in reaching children in Kelowna.
Their heart is burdened for unsaved children and children outside of the church walls that they too will hear the gospel, receive Jesus, and be discipled in their walk with Jesus.
How You Can Be Involved
Through neighbourhood “Good News” clubs, Child Evangelism outreach, training, and equipping programs etc. email the Sutherlands to find out more.
Contact Information
If you would like to subscribe to newsletters, pray, or connect with the Sutherlands you can contact them at: vwsutherland@cefcanada.org.
Or if you are interested in financially supporting (monthly or one-time) contact the National Office: CEF of Canada, Box 165 Station Main, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2G9 or call 844-597-3068 info@cefcanada.org
Glen Kyle

Serving With
Bridges to New Life Society – Supporting individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.
Kelowna, BC Canada
Ministry Role
Executive Director – Responsible for representing the organizations to the public, oversight of organization and collaboration with the board of directors.
Established in 1998, Bridges to New Life is the largest Christian post-release support network in the Okanagan, working to support the needs of those who have been impacted by crime. Bridges to New Life Society has been providing chaplaincy services and support to both provincial and federal institutions, and local halfway houses, as well as community reintegration support.
We support clients across the lower interior of British Columbia. We provide help with community re-integration, individual support, practical needs, onsite housing (6 beds) in Kelowna BC, and most importantly Biblical care through, prayer, “Overcomers”; a 12-step program, and one-to-one mentorship.
The revolving door of serving time in jail, being released, then re-offending and going back to prison is the story of most individuals who are incarcerated live. Bridges to New Life is helping to close this revolving door.
Bridges desires that people with criminal charges would be healed and restored before God and mankind. Becoming whole and productive members of society, facilitating healing between themselves and the community.
How You Can Be Involved
The organization is completely funded by individual donors (monthly or one-time donations). You can be involved by becoming a donor, supporting our fundraising events, through practical means such as: maintenance, odd jobs, donation management, a volunteer coordinator, pen pals and prayer. Contact Bridges for further information on how to do this.
Contact Information
If you’d like to financially support Bridges, contact the office or check out the website https://bridgestnl.org If you’d like to subscribe to our 1/4ly newsletter, volunteer or join our weekly prayer meeting please email jalon.grassmick@bridgestnl.org or call the office 250-448-6975.
Don and Nancy Rempel

Ministry Role
Don and Nancy Rempel are showing the love of Christ to new Canadian immigrants residing in Kelowna.
Contact Information
To learn more about what the Rempels are doing and how you can be involved, please contact them at ogogalnan@gmail.com